Saturday, January 3, 2009

For Mormor

Mommy wanted to post a couple of pics of me in my new clothes that Mormor (that's grandma in Swedish) sent me.  Don't I look so darn cute??

White Christmas...

Here is my picture with Santa this year.  As you can see, I wasn't afraid of him.  I asked him to bring me a Spiderman watch for Chrstimas, and he DID.  Now every time I go to the store and see something I like, I try and walk off with it and tell my mom "Santa left this for me."  For some reason, she doesn't believe me!

Here is the house that we stayed in.  That big van is the one that all (14) of us rode together in.  

Here's me and my cousin Ava watching Wall E (Santa brought it for me). 

Here is me getting ready for sledding on Christmas Day!  Don't I look silly!!??

Opening presents... this particular gift was my Spiderman watch. 

My first snowman built by me, Daddy & Mommy.  We didn't have a carrot for his nose, so Daddy improvised and used an icicle (which you can't really see).

Say cheese!

First I tasted the snow (mmm good!) and then I threw my snowball at my Auntie Kimmie!

 I loved seeing and playing the snow.  I want to go back and asked my mom and dad if we could even live in the snow (they said "NO!") Boo.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

(Almost) Christmas in the City

We went to San Francisco the day after Thanksgiving for the Macy's tree lighting - it was so nice out!!

 and while we were there we braved the crowds to buy my brother-in-law some underwear.  Apparently, he is very particular about his underwear, and they only sell them at 1 of the 4 H&M stores in the city. This is a pic of the crowd on the sidewalk that we braved that night... FOR UNDERWEAR!

Better late than never!!

I keep meaning to post these for Brook, and I finally am getting around to it (despite the fact I am supposed to be studying!)   He looks so cute and his cheeks looked especially BIG in his little spider hat LOL 

Family picture time!!

Mommy has been wanting to have family pictures taken again, and so she used her birthday money and had them taken for Christmas.  This is a sneak peak, but so far I think they look great!  Don't you?? 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Recently Mommy ran in a half-marathon, and we were there to cheer her on!

Here's is mommy finishing strong at the finish line!! She ran 13.1 miles at an 8:27/mile pace.  Way to go Mommy!!

My daycare class went to Adobe Farms Pumpkin Patch and I got to do a lot of fun things...

I looked for the perfect pumpkin...

I got to dig for potatoes.... I found 4 and we had them for dinner!

Me and daddy climbed to the top of a mountain of hay

Here I am milking a cow....  Mommy didn't want to help!